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Gisele is Program Coordinator of Bayit@Gann and the Chief of Staff to the Head of School at Gann Academy in Waltham, Massachusetts.


Jason is the Head of School at Akiba Yavneh Academy in Dallas, Texas.


Renee is the Director of Admissions at Ben Porat Yosef in Paramus, New Jersey. She is a veteran Jewish day school advocate who has spent the last several years spearheading the grassroots engagement division of the Orthodox Union’s Teach NJ, the political advocacy group dedicated to supporting the state’s Jewish day schools and other nonpublic school students.

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Lydia is the Director of Marketing and Communications at Bialik Hebrew Day School in Toronto, Canada. 

Models of Support for Israeli Families Transferring to Our Schools

With so many Jewish day schools and yeshivas welcoming temporary Israeli transfer students into their doors, we invited four schools to describe how they supported these students during this time of great stress and trauma.

Connecting to Our Community

Gisele Ellis, Program Coordinator, Bayit@Gann, Gann Academy

Gann Academy, founded by the community for the community, embraces the core value of Kol Yisrael areivim zeh la-zeh, we are all responsible for one another. This ethos became tangible this fall as we responded to urgent calls from Israeli evacuees seeking an immediate high school solution for their children arriving in Boston after October 7th.

Overnight, we created a standalone program, “Bayit@Gann,” to absorb Israeli students at no cost to families. We quickly identified four staff members and volunteers to manage Bayit@Gann: a professional program manager; an experienced Israeli professional social worker to serve as the primary liaison/advisor to the students; a parent volunteer to lead fundraising; and a parent volunteer to act as a local contact for navigating the transition to Boston, including appropriate clothing for Boston winters, a place to celebrate Thanksgiving, and so much more. We also invited a few recent graduates, temporarily back from gap years in Israel, as madrichim for the program.

The initial concept involved partial integration into the Gann program during non-academic times, complemented by group and individual social-emotional support, tutoring for existing Israeli classes, and more. We did not know what level of English language fluency students would have, how much emotional support they would need, or how many kids would arrive. We anticipated as many as 15-20 students might join and tried to imagine a program that could meet their needs. An unused office became the Bayit@Gann Lounge—the base camp for our program and a safe home for our students to gather with each other and with friends.

We conducted intake meetings with families to assess the needs and aspirations of both parents and students. Most incoming students possessed strong English skills. Parents prioritized a safe environment, a regular schedule, and opportunities for socializing. Many students were concerned primarily about keeping up with their Israeli schoolwork, leading us to hire an Israeli high school math teacher, also displaced due to the war. She assisted students during designated work blocks and coordinated with their teachers in Israel once schools reopened.

Ten days after hiring our program leads, we welcomed our first six students. Collaborating with Gann’s grade-level deans, we established a peer mentor program for companionship and assistance in navigating the school. Our American students soon started inviting their new friends to join their classes. Bayit@Gann morphed so students could now attend three to five Gann classes instead of one or two, with fewer work blocks and less group time. Flexibility was crucial due to the time difference, enabling students to connect with friends and family in Israel during the school day. Requests for specific classes and access to facilities during free periods were accommodated, showcasing the remarkable flexibility and warmth of our faculty and staff.

Speaking for the group in front of the whole school, one student said, “we learned that ‘We Stand with Israel’ are not just words.” As students begin to return home and others transition to full-time Gann students, Elazar Waldman, program director and social worker, emphasized the profound connection achieved in only two months. “For Bayit@Gann participants, this has been a life-changing experience,” reinforcing that “as part of the Jewish people, they are not alone, even in times of hardship.” The dedication to taking extraordinary action for our beliefs, the sense of community, and the positive impact Gann has on the world are lessons that will stay with them forever.


Beit Yisrael 

Jason Feld, Head of School, Akiba Yavneh Academy 

Kol Yisrael areivim zeh ba-zeh, all of Israel is responsible for one another, is a value often heard in the classrooms of Akiba Yavneh Academy. Shortly after the October 7th Hamas pogrom, AYA was called upon to quickly put that value into practice as we began receiving word that Israeli families would be seeking temporary shelter in our Dallas community.

In all of my initial discussions with board members, faculty and school administrators, we never questioned whether we would take in these Israeli students, rather, how we can best serve the needs of these Israeli children. The support we received from Prizmah provided valuable guidance on a host of unique issues ranging from the nuts and bolts of registration to some of the social-emotional and academic challenges of successfully absorbing displaced Israeli children into our school. Issues we needed answers to included, How long will students remain in Dallas? What is their level of English proficiency? Is the primary goal for the students to keep up with their academics, and if so, how do we sync the curriculum they receive at their Israeli schools with our curriculum?

Our leadership team unanimously decided to build a new program custom tailored to the individual needs of each and every Israeli student. With that, AYA’s Beit Yisrael program began taking shape. Our first decision was to hire a coordinator to manage the various administrative, logistical, and programmatic details of Beit Yisrael. Volunteers with specific skills from within our school community reached out to get involved.

Within a week of our initial meeting, Akiba Yavneh Academy enthusiastically welcomed 18 temporarily displaced Israeli children, ranging in age from 2 to 16, to Beit Yisrael. Every school day, Beit Yisrael students learn from an ESL specialist; they receive math, science and Judaic studies instruction taught by subject experts who are all fluent in Hebrew. Additionally, the Jewish Federation of Dallas, in partnership with Jewish Family Services, provided Beit Yisrael with a Hebrew-speaking counselor to serve the social-emotional needs of the children and their parents. Beyond the academics, Beit Yisrael students join their AYA peers for daily tefillah, lunch, art, and PE, and they attend all school assemblies and activities.

By designing a program around the individual needs of our Israeli children, AYA is able to meet and indeed, exceed the expectations of our Israeli families. Every day, Beit Yisrael students are having meaningful experiences where they are learning, socializing and having fun in a safe, supportive and welcoming environment. We began the school year with a special focus on three Cs: Commitment to Excellence, Character, and Community. Having the zechut, privilege, to realize our core school values in service of Am Yisrael has positively energized and deeply impacted our entire school community.

May our humble efforts in Dallas contribute to the strength and unity of Am Yisrael, and may we merit the restoration of security in Israel and the swift and safe return of all captives currently held in Gaza. May our efforts in achdut, unity, continue to grow from strength to strength, Am Yisrael Chai.


A Home Away From Home

Renee Klyman, Director of Admissions, Ben Porat Yosef

At Ben Porat Yosef, our commitment to fostering a strong and supportive community is exemplified by our proactive efforts in assisting displaced Israeli families who have left Israel due to the recent war that erupted after October 7th. With a deeply ingrained Zionist mission and a genuine dedication to preserving Hebrew language and culture, our school has become a natural haven for those seeking refuge and connection.

One of the unique aspects of BPY is our true Hebrew immersion program, which not only provides a rigorous academic environment but also serves as a cultural bridge for families in transition. This program has proven invaluable for the Israeli families who have recently joined or re-joined our community, offering a familiar and nurturing space for their children to continue their education seamlessly.

Moreover, our school is proud to boast a staff that includes the largest number of shlichim in North America on a mission from Israel. These dedicated individuals bring an authentic connection to Israeli culture and a firsthand understanding of the challenges faced by families affected by the conflict. Their presence at BPY further facilitates the smooth integration of new families into our close-knit community.

The decision for Israeli families to choose BPY as their educational home away from home was an easy one, given our unwavering support for Israel and the strong ties our school maintains with the country. We have been fortunate to welcome back seven BPY family members who had either recently left to make aliyah or embarked on temporary journeys, and it brings us immense joy to open our arms and hearts to them, ensuring they find solace and continuity within the BPY family. As we continue to navigate these challenging times, our commitment to providing a warm, embracing environment for additional displaced families remains steadfast, embodying the true spirit of community and shared purpose.


Providing a Safe Educational Space for Our Israeli Students

Lydia Levin, Director of Marketing and Communications, Bialik Hebrew Day School

From the start of the war in Israel, we knew it would have an impact on our school; how big an impact, and what shape it would take, we didn’t know. But it soon became clear that whatever we did to help Israeli families coming to Toronto, we would be guided by our mission, our core Jewish and Zionist values, and an approach that put families’ and students’ needs first.

As the inquiries began to pour in, our administrative team banded together, creating a process to admit students in large numbers. We devised a plan to enroll students for a four-week short-term stay. We created an abbreviated application form and an adapted admissions process, and began communicating with the many families who had inquired.

Members of our admin team stepped up to interview and welcome Israeli families. While we did not require payment, in line with the other Toronto Jewish day schools, we accepted any weekly contribution based on a suggested cost-based rate. At the same time, we were liaising with the Toronto UJA, who generously subsidized each student.

To date, Bialik has had some 180 inquiries and has enrolled 98 students at our two branches—over and above our usual 1,500 students.

The entire Bialik community participated in the effort to provide a soft landing for the Israeli students and their families. The administrative team focused on the overall planning and implementation; teachers willingly and warmly welcomed students into their classes (more on that below); our IT Department set up students in Grades 3 to 8 with laptops and access to our online learning systems (SeeSaw and Google Classrooms); students were overjoyed to buddy-up with the new students; parents invited families to Shabbat dinners, helped them with grocery shopping, collected warm clothes and found a myriad other ways to help families feel welcome. Board members along with retired administrators and teachers gave, and are still giving, invaluable volunteer time to support the visiting students in their academic and social-emotional learning. A past principal came back to help with admissions.

In our classrooms, we aimed to support the new students’ needs with as much dedication, detail and empathy as possible. The first aim was to provide a welcoming and safe space, caring for their social-emotional needs, for children who had been pulled from their homes, some who had come to Canada with one or both parents, and others who had been sent with older siblings to the care of Canadian relatives. After that came academic and linguistic support.

Ten dedicated volunteers are giving their time to support the teachers and work with the students, in small groups as well as individually, to address their individual needs. Students have been supported in a number of ways:

  • We’ve dedicated Hebrew-speaking spaces where students can interact with each other and feel heard and understood. Activities in these spaces have included gym, small group time, and playing games together.
  • Teachers and volunteers were assigned to provide one-one-one social-emotional check-ins with the students, aiming for this to be as organic and supportive as possible through conversations, greetings, games, and in small groups.
  • Our Shinshinim at both branches took time to develop relationships with students and created opportunities for friendly support.

At this stage, two thirds of the Israeli students have returned home, and many will follow; a few are seeking long-term enrollment, and we are still taking in a few new students.

Reflecting on this endeavor almost two months in, we are aware that it has depended on unprecedented teamwork and generosity of spirit in our community. From the many beautiful messages received from parents, we have done what we intended in providing support to our Israeli brothers and sisters.


As a passionately curious individual, Meir is driven by an insatiable desire to learn and grow. Constantly seeking ways to make a positive impact in both his personal and professional pursuits, he navigates life with enthusiasm and a commitment to continuous self-improvement. Once a task is accomplished, his satisfaction comes from skillful delegation, leveraging teamwork and collaboration to achieve collective success.

Upping Our Security

In the aftermath of the unprecedented events that transpired in Israel last October, our school community faced the harsh reality that the safety and security of our students, staff, and faculty required immediate attention and strategic action. Montreal has not been immune from the antisemitic protests, harassment and attacks occurring throughout North America and worldwide. As the president of the board of Hebrew Academy, I would like to share the proactive steps we have taken to enhance our school’s security measures and contribute to the broader conversation on safeguarding educational institutions.

Immediate Response and Assessment 

The safety and wellbeing of our school community have always been our top priorities. In the wake of the events in Israel, our board of directors, in collaboration with the school’s administration, conducted a thorough assessment of our existing security protocols. Recognizing the need for decisive action, we prioritized strengthening our security infrastructure to ensure a swift and comprehensive response to potential threats.

Appointment of Full-Time Head of Security 

One of the key measures we implemented was the appointment of a dedicated, full-time head of security. This professional is responsible for overseeing and coordinating all aspects of our security protocols, ensuring that we have a vigilant and proactive approach to any potential risks.

Significant Budget Increase

Understanding the critical nature of the situation, we quadrupled our security budget to provide the necessary resources for implementing and sustaining enhanced security measures. This financial commitment reflects our unwavering dedication to creating a secure learning environment for every member of our school community. 

Collaboration with Federation 

With support from the Federation, we introduced a self-defense program, specifically Krav Maga, for parent volunteers. This initiative not only empowers our volunteers with valuable skills but also establishes an additional layer of security by having trained individuals actively monitoring the school premises during high-traffic periods such as dropoff and pickup.

Constant Communication with Parents

Maintaining transparent communication with our parent body has been paramount. We have implemented a continuous communication strategy to keep parents informed about any changes in security measures, upcoming events, and the importance of their cooperation in the overall safety of our school. 

No Incidents, but a Cautionary Tale 

While we are grateful to report that we have not experienced any security incidents within our school, we cannot ignore the broader context. Two nearby schools recently faced gunfire within their premises after hours, emphasizing the need for a practice and vigilant security stance. 

Sharing Our Experience 

In the spirit of communal support and learning from one another, we share our experience with other educational institutions. It is our hope that by openly discussing the measure we have taken, we can contribute to a broader conversation on school security and encourage other communities to assess and strengthen their own protocols. 

The events in Israel served as a catalyst for our school community to reevaluate and fortify our security measures. By taking a proactive and comprehensive approach, we aim to provide a safe and secure environment for learning and growth. We extend our gratitude to the dedicated individuals within our community and look forward to continued collaboration with other communities facing similar challenges. Together, we can create educational environments where safety is paramount, fostering the wellbeing and success of our students.


Adam Tilove is the Head of School at Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy in Kansas City, where he has passionately led educational initiatives fostering unity and resilience. Adam is dedicated to building bridges between Jewish day schools and their non-Jewish partners, emphasizing the transformative impact of collaboration and understanding. Adam is married to Marni Thompson-Tilove and has three children; Naftali, Raviv and Yakir.

United Against Fear: Galvanizing Support in Jewish Day Schools

In the face of a chilling declaration by Hamas, designating Friday, October 13, as a “Global Day of Jihad” and a “Day of Rage,” our community at Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy (HBHA) in Kansas City transformed a potential day of fear into one of unwavering support, love, and communal embrace. The recent terrorist attacks by Hamas in Israel on October 7 had already heightened tensions, casting a shadow of anxiety over our students, parents, and staff.

As the ominous date approached, threatening messages circulated through social media, intensifying the palpable sense of apprehension within our school community. Students and teachers grappled with the difficult decision of whether to attend school on that fateful Friday.

“Are You Okay?"

The narrative takes an inspiring turn with a pivotal moment within the Kansas City Independent School Heads Association (KCISHA), of which I am a member. At a meeting on Tuesday, October 10, just days after the terrorist attack in Israel, my colleagues asked me if I was okay. I told them, “No, I am not okay, and no Jewish person they know is okay either.” They asked if there was anything they could do to help. I thanked them for asking, but I didn’t know what they could do. I told them that if I thought of anything I would let them know.

On Thursday, I realized that indeed, there was something. I wrote them, urging my colleagues at local independent schools to stand with HBHA during the morning dropoff. This was not a symbolic call on social media but a request for a physical presence, a demonstration of unity wearing their school sweatshirts to show their community’s support for our community.

The response was extraordinary. By 7 am on October 13 over 40 people, including educators and administrators from nine local schools, clergy members, Jewish professionals, and local representatives, gathered in front of HBHA. Holding signs proclaiming “We stand with you,” “We’re in this together,” and “We are all God’s children,” they created a powerful tableau of solidarity. Our students walked into the building with smiles on their faces, while teachers and parents, touched by the outpouring of support, hugged one another with tears in their eyes.
In the faculty room after dropoff, staff told me, “This was just what I needed, and I didn’t even know it” and “It was like being given oxygen to breathe.”

We all know that sometimes it feels lonely and isolating to be Jewish, especially in times of crisis. This event demonstrated that we are not alone. There are thousands, or more accurately millions of people who are quietly supporting us and praying for us. Giving them an outlet to show that support, and have it seen and felt by our community, was incredibly powerful.

Publicizing The Miracle 

As schools started to respond to my request, we recognized that this would be an important and powerful event. As such, we reached out to our contacts in the local media, which had frequently featured us in their coverage. Three television news stations sent crews to capture the significance of this extraordinary display of unity. As the conflict continued to unfold, local media recognized HBHA as a prominent voice within the local Jewish community, with numerous direct family connections to Israel.

The impact transcended local borders. News of HBHA’s stand against fear inspired other Jewish schools across the nation to hold similar events. Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School in St. Louis, Krieger Schechter Day School in Baltimore, Bornblum Jewish Community School in Memphis and more joined the movement, with supporters across the country showing up to express solidarity with their Jewish communities.

Moreover, because the event was publicized on television, we galvanized support from schools that were not part of the KCISHA group. For example, two weeks later, representatives from a local Catholic school came to offer us a 60 foot “prayer-chain” they had created for us. Weeks after that, another Catholic school delivered dozens of beautiful hand-crafted cards offering prayers for peace and support. 

Feeling empowered by the local response, we reached out to the Governor of Kansas, similarly asking her to come to our school and show her support through her presence. She visited the school and met with our high school students on October 30. Similarly, we are expecting visits next semester from the mayor of Kansas City and our local representative in the House.

While crediting the positive response to preexisting relationships, I acknowledged the need for further cultivation. Meetings with the CEO of the Kansas City Economic Development Corporation and the president and CEO of the Leawood Chamber of Commerce are steps toward broadening engagement. The idea of creating a workshop on the history of the Israeli-Arab conflict for non-Jewish schools showcases an innovative approach to community education.

The Power of Community Response 

This collective response, from our local Kansas City community to the broader network of independent schools, exemplifies the strength that emerges when communities unite against fear and division. The actions of the Kansas City Independent School Heads Association, moving beyond expressions of concern to a tangible demonstration of support, added a profound layer to this narrative. It stands as a testament to the resilience of communities in the face of global threats, showcasing the enduring spirit of hope and unity even in the most challenging times.

I recognize that all communities are not the same, and what is possible here in Kansas may not be feasible in other communities. Nevertheless, these are the elements I believe lead to our success.

Relationships: Preexisting relationships with the local heads of school enabled me to call on them. They know me, my face, and my sense of humor. When I asked them to come, I was not a starter asking for a favor. I was a friend asking for support. 

Timing: I wrote to my colleagues on Thursday asking them to come on Friday. I din’t have a plan, but I had emotion and a sense of urgency. I recognized that the timing was tight and I couldn’t set up everything, but there was a real deadline in Hamas’s “Day of Rage” and I used that to my advantage, moving without regard for fear or failure. 

A clear, tangible, easy ask: By asking people to simply show up, I kept it simple. They didn’t have to write or prepare anything.

During this painful time in our history, the Jewish community has mobilized strong to support the State of Israel and each other. My experience has shown me that our schools can also engage with a wide range of contacts in our localities for support and solidarity. Such engagement helps to reaffirm our sense of our common humanity and reaffirm our feelings of acceptance and belonging in our country.


Rabbi Harcsztark is the Founding Principal of SAR High School and Dean of Machon Siach honoring the memory of Belda Kaufman Lindenbaum z”l, a research arm of SAR High School. He previously served as Rabbi of Congregation Keter Torah in Teaneck, New Jersey, and as the Associate Principal of Judaic Studies at SAR Academy. He was a Fellow at the Tikvah Center for Law and Jewish Civilization at NYU Law School in 2010-11. He is the recipient of the 2017 Covenant Award for Excellence in Jewish Education.

Leaders Must Ask: What Do Our Kids Need to Know Right Now?

“What do our kids need to know right now?” This question has been central to our work over the past few months. I will share two examples. 

Waging a Just War Justly 

After the atrocities of October 7, the world expressed outrage at the barbarism and butchery of Hamas against innocent civilians. We knew even then that it would take but a few days until the tide would turn and the criticism would be leveled at Israel and the IDF for the intensity of its response. 

And so it was. As Israel began its air raids, I envisioned the things that would be written and said. What, I asked myself, do our students need to know at this time? What issues will arise for our alumni on campus and, by extension, what voices will echo in our own and our high school students’ heads as we read the criticisms of Israel and the IDF that are sure to come from media and governments around the world?

While I pondered these questions, I took a few days to sharpen my understanding of the IDF Code of Ethics. As high school educators, when something needs attention, we must figure out what to tell our students, whether or not it is our area of expertise. Or, more accurately, that is our area of expertise: what to say to high school students when something must be said.  

To better understand the IDF Code, I learned what I could from Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies. I also consulted with Moshe Halbertal, one author of Ruach Tzahal, the IDF Code. I then took twelve minutes at one of our schoolwide tefillot to share the basic principles of the Laws of Armed Conflict: necessity, distinctiveness, and proportionality. In those few minutes, we, as a school, were developing a shared language about the IDF’s commitment to the ethics of war. 

We are deeply loyal to the State of Israel and the IDF, but we always need to make sure that our loyalty is informed. We must ensure that we and our students understand the ethical principles that guide the IDF and the expectations that they—and all of us—carry. When we share those principles as a school, we build shared values and culture. We strengthen our collective support for Medinat Yisrael as we root it in principled, knowledgeable loyalty.

That very day, October 17, a missile hit near the Al-Ahli Hospital. We feared that it was an IDF strike and experienced a degree of relief when Israel and the U.S. shared evidence that it was a misfired missile from Palestinian Islamic Jihad. For me, the same question returned: What must we, the educators, say to our students? The next day, in the same schoolwide tefillah slot, I explained how the Torah teaches the importance of valuing life even in the context of war. 

This is the idea in brief: the latter segment of Parshat Shoftim teaches the protocols of war. The unit begins with the drafting of soldiers and the list of those who are exempt from the draft. The Torah describes a Milhemet Reshut (an optional war) and a Milhemet Mitzvah (a mandatory war). The beginning of Parshat Ki Teitzei talks about captives at the end of the war. In the middle, there is an unusual ritual of the ’eglah ’arufah, which is performed when a body is found between cities without clear cause. The elders of the city must ask for atonement (kapparah) and state that they were not actively involved in the death, which raises a glaring question: why is this unit of text placed within a unit on war protocols?

In the midst of teaching about war, the Torah teaches the value of human life. Psychologists describe that in war, because it is not natural for one person to kill another, the mind dehumanizes the enemy. Killing causes people to become desensitized to the value of life, making it difficult to remember that every innocent life is of infinite value. The Torah, in the midst of its teaching on war, reminds the society, and each individual within the society, to focus on the value of every human life.

It is vital to make this point out loud to our students. The death of human beings is catastrophic. Judaism is life affirming at its core and sees every human as created in the image of God. While we are permitted to and must destroy our enemies, we must always feel the loss of human beings who do not deserve to die. If we neglect to state our values, students can easily forget those values or not know that every civilian life is of infinite value even in a time of war.

Developing Shared Vocabulary and Understanding 

As teachers and administrators, we recognize that a communal vocabulary—terms and definitions we articulate clearly for one another—is the foundation on which we build our students’ educations. Especially in a world that promotes distorted misrepresentations, we must maintain this shared language in order to build both shared culture and shared values, allowing us to move forward with our ethical sensibilities intact. We ask what our students need to know right now; we, as educators, learn and deliberate; then we gather our students and share with them the ideas that we would like to hold as a community.

This approach has informed our classroom teaching as well. As we watched our college campuses morally implode, I began to think about our teaching of modern Israel. Over the last seven years, our team invested time and energy, and collaborated with experts, to develop a curriculum that explored the historical events, the military tactics, the personal stories and the psychological impact of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We also include other complex issues in modern Israeli society such as the secular/religious divide, Mizrachi/Ashkenazi divisions, and the status of Israeli Arabs. The concept of differing narratives informs the curriculum for all of these issues.

Since October 7, we have adapted our curriculum. I have long been opposed to the military analogies for Israel advocacy: We have to arm our students to defend Israel against the attacks of others. I have now come around. For the foreseeable future, I think that those analogies hold. Today, we must fight on the curricular front as well.

We have just added a new segment to our Zionism curricula, one that arms our students with the capacity to defend the IDF against spurious, fashionable criticisms. We and our students need a conceptual framework that ensures our commitments and values in a post-truth world where facts and concepts don’t matter, a world where words like “genocide,” “colonialism” and “apartheid” are used as loose analogies rather than with the precision and weight that such terms demand.

In this new world, our students must be able to respond, both to the voices in their heads and the voices of others, with ethical, moral, and historical clarity. They must learn how to reject the triad, the now lazily accepted charges of colonialism, apartheid, and genocide. Sadly, our students must learn the precise definitions of these terms so that they know why these terms do not describe the State of Israel. We recently piloted a three-pronged curriculum that concentrates on 1) the use and the misuse of these terms, 2) the basic elements of Ruach Tzahal, the IDf ethical code, and 3) the parameters of free speech and antisemitism.

These are dark times. But in the midst of these difficulties, our children are experiencing a revitalized sense of Jewish pride. Asking “What do our kids need to know now?” can help ensure that they have the Jewish confidence to stand up with strength, moral clarity, and conviction.

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Dr. Steven Lorch is the head of school at Kadima Day School in West Hills, California. He received his Ph.D from Columbia University, and his Rabbinic Ordination from Yeshiva University. He also holds a masters in Education from Harvard University Graduate School of Education. 

Head of School as Mourner-in-Chief

Tragic events, whether personal, national, or global, evoke responses which psychologists refer to as stages of grief (after Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s book On Death and Dying). For heads of school, the ways in which we publicly give expression to these inner experiences can sometimes reassure, promote confidence, and help members of our communities cope more productively with the grief that they, too, are experiencing.


On October 7, it was easy for me to dismiss the news. There were rumors in synagogue of a terrorist attack in Israel with hundreds of casualties, but because the attack took place too late to be reported in the Saturday newspaper on my doorstep and I don’t use electronic devices on Shabbat, I couldn’t confirm or disconfirm the incoming reports. I was able to delude myself into believing that the scope of the tragedy was probably exaggerated. By Sunday morning, the headlines shook me out of denial.

My first public act: Detachment. Nonresponse. Though I would later feel horror and outrage, for now I was in limbo, unable to emote until the news was verified.


In the fog of the moment, my ire was aimed everywhere except where it belonged: Hamas. The initial target of my anger was the Israeli government and security establishment. Fifty years after the Yom Kippur War, they had let their guard—our guard—down again. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me,” I thought.

The object of my anger soon shifted, however. Once I got home from Simchat Torah services, my phone pinged all afternoon with messages from school colleagues. Didn’t they realize that I couldn’t reply? Didn’t they know that school policy prohibits engaging in school business, or communicating about it, on holidays? What life-and-death matter for the school community needed to be addressed right now that couldn’t be addressed five minutes after the holiday ended?!

My public act: Not to give voice to my anger. I addressed the issue of contact on Shabbat and holidays in a leadership team meeting, but not until a month later, long after I’d calmed down. By that time, I also had the presence of mind to make clear that I understood and appreciated their concern, though I hoped that similar concerns could be expressed differently in the future. Together, we restored consensus around the policy.


Throughout the afternoon of Simchat Torah, I negotiated with myself. Will we really need more security for as long as this crisis continues? Our finances are already stretched. But parents will feel reassured to see additional guards. But our security protection is already excellent, and our campus is a hardened target compared to other schools. But in the unlikely event that there were an incident and I’d done nothing…

My next public act: I called our security consultant in the evening, asked him what he recommended, added more security guards by the following morning per his recommendation, and sent an email blast to the community with an update.


Over the next few days, I felt vaguely out of sorts. Yes, we had upped our security. Yes, we had opened school on Monday with an assembly at which we publicly marked our heartache and solidarity. Yes, our teachers and counseling staff were active in supporting our students, parents, and each other. Yes, I was checking in with teachers and parents with close family in Israel. But I felt behind the curve, reactive, not at the top of my game.

This was disconcerting. I contrasted my malaise with how I had felt during Covid. I had known next to nothing about public health in early 2020, and I already knew quite a lot about coping with tragedies in schools. After all, I had sat with my son in a sealed room in Jerusalem in January 1991, sheltering from Scud missiles, and returned to Australia days later to lead my school through that crisis. The school I headed on September 11, 2001, was located five miles north of the Twin Towers. So why did I feel so much better prepared to deal with a pandemic than I did now?!

A brief comment by a colleague at a Prizmah Zoom meetup lifted me out of my doldrums. She said that she was feeling the way she had at the beginning of Covid. “The beginning of Covid!” I thought to myself. “Of course!” I had been comparing my response a few days into the war with my feeling of readiness a year or two into Covid. By that time, I had assembled my team of gurus consultants, and thought partners. Then, sure, I was at the top of my game. But thinking back to the early days of Covid, I was feeling my way in the dark and beating myself up for it, much as I was doing now.

My public act: I thanked my Prizmah colleague and shared with the others on the call the insight her remark had just jolted me into. I also shared my self-forgiveness with colleagues on a DSLTI call a few days later, and with my leadership team colleagues at my school. We all need to show ourselves some compassion.


I’m not ready for acceptance. We as a people aren’t ready for acceptance—not while hostages are still in captivity, the war rages on, and 1930s-style Jew-hatred stalks the land.

My public act, for now: Even though I may not yet have achieved an inner state of acceptance, I am still called upon to publicly manifest it: I comfort those who have lost loved ones. I support those more directly in harm’s way than I am. I am a compassionate presence for my community. I recite prayers for forgiveness and divine intervention. But I can’t really understand or come to terms with it, because… What is it, anyway?

This moment feels like aninut, the fleeting period between death and burial, which my teacher, Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, in Out of the Whirlwind: Essays on Mourning, referred to as “a howl of grisly horror… a hideous darkness.” But it’s not exactly aninut, either. Rather, we are in an aninut doom loop, an unending dread. 

We don’t know what acceptance will look like because we don’t know what we will ultimately be called upon to accept. We stand before an open grave, but we don’t know whom or what we will eventually need to mourn. For those of us with loved ones on the front lines—in Tzahal, or on embattled college campuses—this fear, this anguish, is literal and visceral.

In the end, we will know with finality which dead we are burying. And then we will perform the most heroic public act of all: reciting Kaddish, the promise of salvation in the face of despair and revulsion. “Yitgadal ve-yitkadash shemeih rabba…

Cheryl is the director of the Day School Leadership Training institute, where she is both an alumna and served as a mentor for cohorts 9-12. She spent 21 years building and strengthening Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School in St. Louis, Missouri, where she taught for 7 years and served as head of school for 14 years. Cheryl is a recipient of the Fred A. Goldstein Professional Leadership Award, the JPRO Visionary Award, Grinspoon-Steinhardt Award for Excellence in Jewish Education and the Stuart I. Raskas Outstanding Day School Teacher Award. She studied for her B.A. in Jewish and Near Eastern Studies and Education at Washington University in St. Louis. She holds a Masters in Jewish Education and received an honorary doctorate from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. She and her husband Jon are the parents of two spectacular day school graduates, Ari and Gabe, and welcomed daughter-in law Emily to the family in 2022.

Leading Through Crisis

In a time of crisis, day school leaders both lay and professional are thrust into the public spotlight. What we say matters. What we don’t say also speaks volumes and will be interpreted. The timing of our communications and the order in which we disseminate them hold meaning and purpose, impacting the sense of worth of our various constituents. In a crisis, leaders barely have a moment to catch our breath before others are looking to us to help frame, contextualize and understand an event. The October 7 attack, the war with Gaza, and the world’s reaction to the war are no exception. 

What you, our day school leaders, have experienced over the past few months is far from normal—and we have seen you exhibit a depth of strength in leading your communities. You have called upon the wisdom of great leadership and drawn strength from your passion for Israel, Jewish identity and learning. You have become educators not only to your own constituents, but also to your non-Jewish colleagues leading independent schools and universities. You have become role models in many ways and should feel proud.

The importance of a strong network, a kehillah for day school leaders, has become more clear than ever. Prizmah schools have looked to one another for guidance on ways to message about the war to our communities, to artfully address the war with students of various ages, and to support our Israeli families and faculty. School leaders have turned to colleagues for thought partnership on handling the hundreds of new Israeli student enrollments and the challenges that come from this unexpected development: providing English language support, bolstering mental health guidance, and navigating our own faculty’s academic expectations. Our kehillah of leaders has been a gift as we find ways to both secure our schools and address the rise in antisemitism for our students and alumni. 

The pressure on you, our day school leaders, is tremendous as you juggle the expectations of parents, faculty, boards. School leaders have coordinated with a large range of internal stakeholders and outside agencies and supporters. You’ve demonstrated an extraordinary ability to pivot, adjust and lead through crisis, just as you did during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As a new member of the Prizmah team, I have a new understanding and respect for the way Prizmah staff jumped into action, curated resources, and carved out space for thought partnership, collaboration and debriefing. Prizmah has been the compass, turning us toward one another, and bringing in expertise from the outside to help us navigate in the dark. Prizmah school leaders have leaned on our Prizmah community for support as each of us is leading through a time of trauma. 

In this issue of Kaleidoscope, you will peek inside the window at a few day school leadership challenges and the approaches that some day schools have taken to lead through this crisis. It is our hope that by highlighting some of the challenges, the progress and successes, that you will hop up onto the balcony and see the leadership of our extraordinary day school field from above. May you go from strength to strength.

Samantha Auerbach is on the Prizmah Board of Directors. Learn more about her here.

Jewish Day Schools: The Light In The Dark

Chanukkah has always been my favorite holiday. It is a joyful, magical time, allowing eight full days and nights to spend time with friends and family, playing games, singing around the table, enjoying latkes and sufganiot, and offering gifts to the people we love for the sole purpose of bringing them light. Indeed, Chanukkah commemorates the brave tale of the vastly outnumbered Maccabees who recaptured the Temple and relit the menorah. A vial of pure oil sufficient to burn one day burned for eight days straight – a miracle of light. As such, every year when the days get shorter and colder and Chanukkah approaches, I find myself quietly taking stock of my surroundings and asking myself where I can find my own modern miracles of light. I never have to look very far.

As a mother of four sons who are either current or past Jewish day school students, and as a former Jewish day school student and educator myself, I am well-versed in the often-touted virtues of day schools. These include everything from the academic rigor that emerges from a simultaneously robust secular and Jewish studies curriculum, to Hebrew fluency, to a deep-seated dedication to tikkun olam, repairing the world–all of which are worthy and valuable reasons to invest in Jewish day schools and would be entirely sufficient on their own. However, what our schools cannot possibly fully illustrate with words is the essence of the human beings that Jewish day schools and Jewish day schools alone can help create, inspire and nurture.  

Jewish day school students are curious, critical thinkers, dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. They are sensitive, empathetic individuals, devoted to social justice and to righting the world’s innumerable wrongs. They have a unique moral compass, guided by the Jewish values of kindness, righteousness, and compassion. Day school students and alumni are nothing short of beacons of light. And, just because they may be small in size does not mean they are any less impactful; after all, a room full of darkness is drastically changed by even the smallest of flames.

Perhaps most powerful in this particular moment, Jewish day school students are steeped in a deep love of Israel, a love that is inextricably bound to their Judaism and thus to the fundamental core of their being. In a world that now feels exceptionally dark, this pure love of Israel is apparent to me on a daily basis in the halls of our schools, from the early childhood students waving their Israeli flags as they sing Hatikvah, to the lower school students welcoming in new Israeli families who may be joining them for a few weeks or even a few months in search of a wartime respite, to the middle and upper school students weeping as they listen to the testimony of survivors of the 10/7 attacks who are their exact age and in whom they see themselves. 

Now more than ever, we must invest in Jewish day schools to provide our kids–our Jewish future– with the knowledge, the tools, and the pure and simple ahavat Israel that will empower them to step into their larger communities and shout it from the rooftops. Indeed, we light Chanukkah candles by a door or window – exits to our home – because it is not enough to light up our own lives; we must share with others what we know to be good. Our Jewish day school students do just that; they are warriors of light. If the lesson of Chanukkah is that we all have the ability to add light to the darkness, that starts with our Jewish day school students; they are our greatest hope.

Rachel is Prizmah's Director of Educational Innovation. Learn more about her here.

Seven Things School Leaders Can Do Now to Support The Wellness of Your School

During this time of crisis, school leaders are juggling so much more than usual, and your usual is already too full. To help lighten your load, I have researched and compiled a list of seven things that you can do now to make a positive difference in your schools. Thank you for all you do to lead with dignity during uncertain times.

Tip #1: At The Door 

So many school leaders have adopted the lovely custom of standing outside the school to welcome students as they enter the building in the morning, and especially now, making sure you are visible at the door establishes trust and safety. Many school leaders have started to get to faculty meetings ten minutes early so they can stand outside the door and welcome each staff member as they enter, a gesture that carries tremendous warmth and caring. This extra ten minutes is challenging to carve into our already busy schedules; assistance from office staff and administrators is key to making this work.

As we navigate the very real fears of this time, finding the balance between being cautious and not frozen, productive and not debilitating, is what Steven Covey calls “managing your weather” and is essential in establishing the feeling in the building. Some school leaders have found that making sure they have daily 15 minute office hours for staff to drop in has proven very meaningful. In fact, even on days when few staff appear for this open-door time, just knowing they have this option has been helpful to staff.

Tip #2: Pick One 

Right now, making sure staff and students are safe and available to learn is step one. Step two is being clear about what matters. Pick one thing. Make sure your priority is clear and how it will be measured. 

Jenn David-Lang writes about how school leaders must focus our priorities. For example, let’s say your priority right now is belonging. What does that look like to you? What might be less important now? How do you communicate it with your staff? Or perhaps you want to prioritize routine as a way of creating normalcy; what matters now and what matters less? 

Be clear with yourself, your teams and staff about why this is your priority now, and assess your adherence to it over the days and weeks. Many school leaders find that choosing the priority, ensuring there are values connected to it, and being clear about what it looks like in practice has alleviated much stress for staff and students alike.

Tip #3: Listen

Often, we invite people to share not because we need the information (though we often learn a great deal) but because they need to be heard. This investment in listening time is so crucial to establishing trust and safety. 

Many school leaders have rallied their leadership teams to make personal calls to each person on staff, to check in and listen. Some leaders are establishing “tag out” opportunities for staff. A school leader takes over a class for ten minutes while the teacher leaves the room, maybe for a coffee or news break. This takes the place of classroom observations for the month and also gives students face time with you as a school leader. Make sure you let the staff know your plan and what you will be doing with the students during that time. Letting staff know when you plan to come is key, so they can plan accordingly, and make sure your office staff knows this is a priority so you can’t be disturbed then.

In addition to making time for staff, many school leaders are creating opportunities to check in with alumni, parents and Israeli families, including those with children and loved ones serving in the IDF. These meet ups are so important and powerful. It is important for the leadership team to have an opportunity to reflect on these meetings and share among themselves. It is also essential for leaders to make time for themselves to be listened to and to check in with personal family members. As an aside, check out Kate Murphy’s book You’re Not Listening for fascinating tips on this crucial skill.

Tip #4: Be Like Broccoli 

As Rae Ringel observed, leadership is like broccoli, providing a fractal model that shows what to do by example. What we do is what others will do. If we want our teachers to be extra patient, to call parents more, to take care of themselves, to communicate about what they need, then we need to model that ourselves. For example, if differentiation is important to you as a leader, how do you differentiate your faculty meetings and communications?

At Prizmah, we strive to share common language. As a small example, if we have a day when our office is closed, we are given language for our out of office message. In schools, many arguments can be diverted and de-escalated by finding the right words that leaders can share with staff. For example, what is a sentence staff can use when parents are angry or concerned now? What is a sentence staff can use when there is a change in plans? How can a staff member ask for help? I have worked with a few schools that used faculty meetings to practice some of these scenarios, which were received with positive feedback.

One more model that is key: the pause. The more you take time in conversation to think, to pause and offer to get back to people (and then do!), the better your school community will be able to follow your lead.

Tip #5: Zone Defense

We may not be able to anticipate every scenario that will come up now, or even who may need support or a pivot in plan, so I recommend creating leadership teams with a “zone defense” approach. Let me explain. When I played basketball in high school, we often used a zone defense, which means you are in charge of defending the area in your “zone” and you can always call for help when needed. 

Now more than ever, making sure you have a leadership team in place is essential, and ensuring that they and the school community know who to go to for what is a game changer. That being said, we cannot always know what will be needed, so operating with a team mentality that each person will cover his or her zone and we will all step in to support one another is key. How do we talk about Israel? How do we talk about fear? How do we allow people to feel what they feel and still keep routine? Often when a crisis hits, we may get territorial, resentful and confused, so re-establishing what is working now and who the right people are for specific concerns and needs is very helpful. Making sure you check in with this team is also essential to ensuring its effectiveness.

In addition to our regular teams, many leaders are including local rabbis and community resource personnel in their teams at this time. For many, including more helpful voices can be supportive, and for some, it makes leading more complicated, so if it works to expand the circle now, do so with clear guidelines about what this team of support is included in.

One more kind of team that is worth the extra investment is the parent body. In particular, let them know how they can communicate effectively with the school and with one another about policies and even about social media. It may be helpful to have a team of parent liaisons you meet with, especially now, to listen and share.

Tip #6: Space Out 

Our buildings provide spaces for us to teach even before we open our mouths. Even for schools struggling to find space for basic class needs, getting creative about how we use space is very helpful during stressful times. 

Many schools have made “time out zones’' for staff to decompress, a quiet place to unwind and eat, with a no-noise rule. Other schools have created a newsroom for the staff to keep updated on events in Israel and have a place to listen and talk. Parents may also need a space to talk and be there for one another that is not in the presence of children. Leaders have even designated a room for people to attend their personal therapy sessions without needing to miss more school driving to and from the session. Offering a place to go is a great source of comfort to the people in the school community, even if they do not use this resource.

Tip #7: Checklist for Check-ins 

What does trauma look like for people at different ages? For people with ADD? When should we be concerned and when is a reaction “normal”? There are checklists available, like this one, from the National Education Association. Using your own checklist for student and staff support is a great idea, and providing faculty professional development training  in identifying red flags can help.

Another area to consider: How do we talk about Israel for different developmental stages? What are we doing and not doing for each age group? For some, writing a list of things to remember, including approaches and even specific language, is so helpful. Keep that handy.

In addition to using a checklist for making sure everyone else is ok, I have also started my own checklist for myself. What matters to me as a leader right now? What is important to me? Before meetings and lessons, I try to check in with myself to find my center and try to get in the space of being who I want to be at this crucial time.

I hope this list is helpful and gives you practical ways to support yourself and others as you lead during this time. I welcome your suggestions for other such tips. Above all, thank you for all you do to lead, inspire and educate our children and communities. May we be blessed with good news.

Paul is Prizmah’s founding Chief Executive Officer. Learn more about Paul here.

85 Years After Kristallnacht, Building a Stronger Jewish Future

On the eve of the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, I enter the gates, pass the guards and walk through the corridors of Buckingham Palace, a place oozing with history and the grandeur of Great Britain’s Royal Family. An institution that for centuries led an empire in which Jewish existence was fragile and marginalized is not only embracing, but honoring members of the Jewish community for their contributions. King Charles III’s first New Years Honors List following his Coronation in 2022 included the Chief Rabbi and other members of the Jewish community, and today it is my mother’s turn to be honored. Holocaust survivor Yvonne Bernstein received the MBE award for her impactful work in Holocaust education and remembrance.
Born in Germany and aged just a year and a half when Kristallnacht happened in 1938, Yvonne’s life changed forever. She was separated from her parents for six years and survived in Paris, spending part of World War II as a hidden child. After the War ended, Yvonne was reunited with her parents in England, appreciating the embrace of a new home, building a career as a teacher, raising children, followed by grandchildren, and soon, God willing, a first great grandchild due to be born in Israel–our homeland. 
In January 2020, Kate, Princess of Wales and Britain’s future Queen, released two portraits she had photographed of Holocaust survivors, including my mother, Yvonne. Her million Instagram followers and others witnessed her elevation of Jewish history and her recognition of current and future Jewish life. In 2021, Kate made more news when she hugged my mum and Steven Frank, the other survivor she photographed, as she opened the exhibition at the Imperial War Museum honoring the survivors and their families. In December 2022, my mother sat in the gallery of the House of Commons, as the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition and all of Parliament stood in silence to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the first condemnation of the mass murder of Jews by the British Prime Minister in 1942. It is a remarkable turn of history, that a young refugee and survivor might one day be honored by royalty on the eve of the Kristalnacht anniversary.
And yet, it is a stereotypical wet and windy autumnal day in London, the gray clouds perhaps a metaphor for dark times. We live in a time of fear and growing antisemitism affecting Jews worldwide, fuelled by an acute sense of isolation rupturing decades of progress and integration in the post-Holocaust world. In the US, on college campuses, in workplaces, and in schools, Jews feel unsafe due to the sharp rise in antisemitism and the vocal hatred of Jews being expressed in what were formerly considered safe spaces. The Jewish community wonders why their friends and colleagues are shunning them for being Jewish and standing up for Israel.The growth in attacks on Jews in recent years, the horror of the October 7 massacre killing more Jews in a single day than at any time since the Holocaust, and the wave of antisemitism that followed leave us fearing for our future.
Should we despair in the face of Dara Horn’s prescient words, believing “People Love Dead Jews”? Writing before October 7, Deborah Lipstadt, US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, articulated a powerful recipe to overcome the pessimism that growing antisemitism might bring: the best way to combat antisemitism is from a positive place: “We must be motivated far more by our love for the insights, wisdom and joy embedded in Jewish culture than by the fight against those who harbor an insane hatred of it.”
Jewish day schools in North America have felt the sting of this crisis in countless ways. They are, once again, at the core of their communities providing safe spaces for students and their families, standing up for Israel, welcoming Israelis seeking refuge for their children from the war, delivering deep secular and Jewish learning, and supporting alumni who are leaders of Jewish life on campus and in business, or fighting for our country as volunteers in the Israeli Army. 
The formula that Lipstadt prescribes is what our schools are doing; we spread love to combat hate. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, z”l focuses on education as the centerpiece of how Jews have survived for millennia: “To defend a country, you need an army. But to defend a civilisation, you need schools.” Combating antisemitism is, indeed, best done through education, awareness, and connection to the world around us. According to Rabbi Sacks: “We work for these things in our Jewish schools. We give our children confidence in who they are, so that they can handle change without fear and keep learning through a lifetime… Schools are about more than what we know and what we can do. They are about who we are and what we must do to help others become what they might be. The world our children will inherit tomorrow is born in the schools we build today.”

As I reflect on this great honor bestowed on my mother, I wonder about the future of the Jewish community. I am shattered by all that has been taken from us in the past month, and yet I know that proud, educated Jewish children are going to lead us into a strong Jewish future, as they have throughout the generations.

Laurie is a Prizmah board member. Learn more about her here.

Blue Diamond Spotlight: Laurie Hasten

For Prizmah board member Laurie Hasten and her husband, Bernard, the Jewish future depends on strong Jewish day schools. “Day schools ensure Jewish continuity through education; our schools enable children to connect to their heritage, love Israel, and understand their responsibility to the Jewish community,” she said. As a day school graduate herself, Laurie appreciates the value her parents placed on Jewish day schools and the example they set for her own leadership. “Both mine and my husband’s families were very involved in Jewish education,” she said. “As the grandchild of Holocaust survivors, I knew my whole life the importance of Jewish education and community.”

Especially at times of communal crisis such as now, being part of a responsive community is a core value of Jewish day schools. Even after her “five years of a two-year term” as board chair of Hillel Torah day school in Skokie, IL, and with a granddaughter now in kindergarten at the school Laurie maintains a deep relationship with the school. “My kids have graduated, but I haven’t yet!” she admitted. “Hillel Torah is still my favorite place to celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut, and I go back every year to daven with the kids.”

Laurie has been called a “model lay leader,” developing close relationships with the head of school and leading from within. As Prizmah was established and grew in its influence, Laurie witnessed and experienced just how valuable it became to school professional and lay leaders. “Prizmah’s bandwidth and both the quantity and quality of resources are appreciated deeply by schools, all of which are facing complex challenges.  When I was invited to join the board two years ago, it was a true honor,” she said.

“What day schools provide to children and families—a sense of connection at their own level—is similar to what Prizmah provides the field,” said Laurie. “Prizmah meets schools where they are and advocates for the impact all schools are targeting: a strong and vibrant Jewish future.”

Laurie Hasten and Family