Rachel Dratch


Rachel is Prizmah's Director of Educational Innovation. Learn more about her here.

Blog Articles

Titles, Leadership, and Managing Expectations in a Time of Urgent Action

Blog Article
This month I have been collecting titles - not for myself, but in the field. During my visits to schools, I have

Reflections on School Visits

Blog Article
Teaching and Learning
M’at Or Docheh Harbeh Choshech –– מעט אור דוחה הרבה חושך A bit of light can displace a lot of darkness Tanya

The Courage to Reach

Blog Article
I love how the Ramchal begins the Mesilat Yesharim: he says that he is not here to share anything new, but to

Peer-to-Peer Learning: Models that Work

Blog Article
Teaching and Learning
There are so many innovative ideas being explored in Jewish day schools and yeshivas. At Prizmah, we see it daily as we