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Teaching and Learning
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, School Policies and Procedures, Teaching and Learning
A teacher pipeline issue is emerging, not only in the world at large, but in the yeshiva and Jewish day school field. School and field leaders are struggling with recruiting, training and retaining talented educators. As a...
KC Resource
Finance & Budget, Fundraising & Development, Enrollment, Research
Prizmah is committed to supporting Jewish day school and yeshiva leaders with research and data to support data driven decision making and providing landscape research for the Jewish day school ecosystem. In partnership with...
HaYidion Article
This issue presents ways to entice people to become teachers, to develop their professional talents, to draw them to work for our schools. Here, we turn to veteran teachers and ask, What has kept you in the classroom? Was...
HaYidion Article
Prizmah and the Jewish Education Innovation Challenge launched a think tank, gathering 25 Jewish day school stakeholders—educators, funders and other Jewish professionals—and convening six working groups. They were tasked...