Knowledge Center Search

Showing 21 - 30 of 715
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
How can Jewish schools ensure that their graduates go on to be stewards of democracy? And how can Jewish educators teach students to connect Jewish ethics to the practices of citizenship? The Brandeis School of San Francisco...
KC Resource
Finance & Budget, Fundraising & Development, Human Resources, Mental Health, Prizmah Thought Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
For most schools in Prizmah’s network, 2020-21 was a year of remarkable accomplishments in the face of unprecedented challenges. Following upon the Covid closures at the end of the previous school year, this was to be a year...
KC Resource
Enrollment, Teaching and Learning
Brainstorm meeting notes from a conversation with heads of schools about the markers of success in high school beyond grades and college acceptance.
KC Resource
Teaching and Learning
Debby Artz-Mor, director of Jewish learning at the Brandeis School in San Francisco, and Rabbi David Stein, Judaics studies principal at Shalhevet High School in Los Angeles, join Sivan Zakai to discuss her new longitudinal...
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
How do students internalize and act out gender narratives in their relationships to their school, to different subjects, to their teachers and other students? How do teachers sometimes reinforce gender roles in the classroom...
KC Resource
Research, Teaching and Learning
KC Resource
Prizmah Thought Leadership, Professional Leadership, Research, Teaching and Learning
Now that Covid is waning and classrooms feel close to the old normal, what have we learned from two years of online and hybrid pedagogy? Despite the challenges and drawbacks, are there things that remote learning enabled that...
HaYidion Article
Teaching and Learning
May 27, 2022
Much has been said about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of adolescents. At Gann Academy, a pluralistic high school in Waltham, Massachusetts, as we have navigated this experience as a community, one of our...
HaYidion Article
Teaching and Learning
May 27, 2022
I want to make a bold claim: Diversity isn’t something you have, it’s something you do. When we do diversity effectively, we teach our children to find meaning in their own experiences and in the experiences of others. There...
HaYidion Article
Teaching and Learning
May 27, 2022
Being a teacher is hard. Being a new teacher is incredibly hard. On the days when it is hardest—and thank God the hardest days seem to come less frequently in my third year teaching than they did in the first—a line from a...